Assignment Three

Welcome to Assignment Three!

Below you will find both the assignment and the extra credit at the bottom. Each is worth thirty points. Send all of your work to with the subject head as Arithmancy - HW3 - HOL name for the assignment and Arithmancy - EC3 - HOL name for the extra credit. If for whatever reason, you are unable to complete an assignment, let me know and we can work out an alternative. 

Deadline: January 15th / June 15th

Short Answer:

10 points

1. In the Chaldean System, what letters are associated with 5?

2. Which group was the Chaldean System named after?

3. Which two books are required for Arithmancy that have Numerology in the name?

4. What system deals with the Arabic alphabet?

5. What does the first name number in the Chaldean System mean?

Birthday Calculations:

10 points

Calculate the vibrational number of your birthday (you can make one up if you'd prefer) and the vibrational number of your favorite HP character's birthday. Show all of your work. You can draw it out if you'd like or type it up.


10 points

Do you think that there's a big difference between Numerology and Arithmancy or do you think they're essentially the exact same thing? Does being a muggle and calling it Numerology makes it any different than being a wizard/witch and referring to it as Arithmancy? What big differences do you think there might be between the two? Minimum of 100 words. 

Extra Credit

Creating Alphabets:

15 points

Assignment One had you create your own number system. Now, it's time to get creative again and design your own alphabet. You can use the sounds already existing from the standard alphabet and design another symbol for A, B, C, and so on. You don't have to create a new symbol for every letter, but do so for at least ten of them. Feel free to draw them and submit it as a photo or draw them on your computer. Alternatively, you can describe what each one would look like in at least 150 words.

Favorite Systems:

15 points

Which system discussed do you like the most? Which one do you think is the easiest or the most difficult? Share your thoughts in at least 150 words. 

Iverian Gnash 2019
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