Assignment Two

Welcome to Assignment Two!

Below you will find both the assignment and the extra credit at the bottom. Each is worth thirty points. Send all of your work to with the subject head as Arithmancy - HW2 - HOL name for the assignment and Arithmancy - EC2 - HOL name for the extra credit. If for whatever reason, you are unable to complete an assignment, let me know and we can work out an alternative. 

Deadline: January 15th / June 15th 

Short Answer:

10 points

1. What is the method of finding your numbers called?

2. Who created that method?

3. What letters correspond to 5?

4. How do you find your social number?

5. What are the first three things that define a 7?


10 points

1. 6 represents peace, friendship, and family life. 

2. Your Heart Number is found by adding together all of the letters in your name. 

3. D M V corresponds to the number 4. 

4. 8's can be arrogant and conceited. 

5. You keep adding up your numbers until they are a two-digit number. 


10 points

Calculate your Character, Social, and Heart number. Show all of your work and your final number. Use your HOL name to calculate your numbers. 

Extra Credit:


15 points

Sometimes Arithmancy can leave you confuzzled. Get through this maze to fully understand the concept: 

A Maze
A Maze

A larger image can be found here.

Alternatively, find someone who studied Arithmancy and write at least 100 words about them. How did they get into it? What do they do with it? Feel free to make up some elements if not much is known about them. 

Number Thoughts:

15 points

Now that you've calculated your numbers, what do you think? Which number defines you the best - your Character, Heart, or Social number? Which one describes you the worst? Minimum 150 words.

Iverian Gnash 2019
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